
Showing posts from June, 2013

Summer Reading Program

Looking for something to do this summer, how about reading? If you read enough you may even win a gift certificate. What do I mean? Well the Dorthory Alling Memorial Library has a summer reading program. All you have to do is tell one of the librarians that you wish to take part and start reading a book, listening to an audio book (great for those long car trips!) or read a comic book or magazine. For every half hour you read you will get a sticker and you will get to enter your name in a raffle. Every five stickers you get to pick a free book. The raffle is separated by age groups and you can win some pretty cool prizes. Like a gift card to Starbucks or a movie pass. The more you read the more your name is entered and the more of a chance you have of winning. So when you have nothing to do this summer, instead of watching TV and going brain dead, pick up a book, and maybe win some awesome things.  You can read more about the program here:  http://www....

Connect with the Classics

Mondays, 6:30 PM Gr. 7 - Adult Pr-register / Books Available June 24th: The Old Man & The Sea by Ernest Hemingway July 15th: The Great Gatspy by Scott F. Fitzgerald July 29th: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

The Hobbit Teen Club

Fight boredom this summer! Join us for movies, snacks, book discussion, riddles, video-making, and more!  Wednesdays, 3-4 PM Grades 6 & up. 

Beneath the Surface: Teen Summer Reading Program 2013

Take the Summer Reading Challenge! Enter to win prizes every time you read books, magazines, or listen to audio books! See the Dorothy Alling Memorial Website for details, or ask a librarian the next time you stop by!