Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom)

Many of you have already probably read this book. For people who haven't, however, this would be something to check out of the library as soon as possible. I first heard about Tuesdays With Morrie through my mom; she had read it and told my sisters and I about all the lessons she had learned from it. I didn't read it then because I thought it was a "mom" book, something that only had value if you were older and had kids or something. This year, however, my English class read this book first. I have to admit that my preconceived notions about being a "mom" book were unfounded. I enjoyed reading Tuesdays With Morrie for the story component as well as the for the lessons the title character, Morrie, shares. The basic, non-spoiler plot of the story is that an average, busy American man, Mitch, was taught by an excellent sociology teacher in college. This professor gets sick with ALS and only has months left to live. Mitch sees his old professor on TV and decides to go back and see him. Mitch then rekindles his friendship with Morrie and the two talk about a variety of philosophical topics. The fact that this is a true story makes the lessons all the more valuable. The memoir is touching, funny, and thought-provoking, and throughout the story it is very easy to relate and understand both characters. I really loved this book, and I hope you will read it sometime. Even if philosophy is not your cup of tea, Mitch writes in such a way that almost any audience, not just moms, can understand. Andrea

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