Art Drop!

Postcards from a teen group in Tualatin, Oregon have been showing up in our mailbox. It's part of an "art bomb" project the Oregon teens are doing... sending out hand decorated postcards to teen groups around the country to see how many they get back. Last Thursday we made some cards to send to them. Here's what they said to us... Are you near the coast? How is the weather in Vermont? here is mainly rainy but the last week or 2 it's been sunny. MEOWWW!! Reading makes me smile. When will I find love? Here's what we said... What do you collect? also, do you watch House? Hi Oregon! Do you like Ben & Jerry's? Yeah, yeah, I've met them. How many cows does your state have? because we probably would win. Do you dance in the rain often? Stop by the library and ask Jill if you want to make a postcard.

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