San Diego Comic-Con 2014

Are you currently deeply saddened by the fact that you couldn't make it to San Diego Comic Con 2014? We definitely are. To make ourselves feel better, we used the internets to find out what we missed
Whether you're a part of any of the following universes, or one of the other countless fandoms, then this is the blogpost for you! Look below to see various links that may be of interest.

New cast members and hilarious bloopers were released. Aren't you sad you weren't there?

It's not San Diego Comic Con without the attractive cast of Teen Wolf being adorable and answering questions. We hope the new season continues trending back towards what the show used to be, we're loving it! #moondays

The Hobbit had a panel this year, and a trailer for the third (and final? We think?) installment in the franchise.

The Avengers Age of Ultron Panel has a bunch of interesting and humorous bits. We can't wait!

The Walking Dead group at Comic Con gave us interesting insights into the past season and some hints to Season 5.
Star Wars (SDCC 2014)
Who's pumped for the new Star Wars animated series? We know we are!
 (NGL guys, we miss Star Wars: The Clone Wars. At least it's on Netflix!)

Michael Giacchino's score must have been amazing in live concert... if only we had been there :(
And for those hoping for a trailer to the third movie (directed by someone who isn't J J Abrams, so, yikes), TOO BAD. There isn't one. It's gunna be a while. Hopefully Susanna Thompson or Alice Krige can reprise as the Borg Queen! Fingers crossed!)

And, thanks to the lovely people of BuzzFeed, click here to see the "21 Most Amazing Things That Happened at Comic Con this Year", and click here to see the biggest winers and losers of SDCC 2014.

But none of this will change the fact that SDCC 2014 is over, and none of us were there. Maybe next year!

Four more days!!!!!

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